Probate: Avoiding Probate

by | Apr 14, 2020

If you know how you want your property to be distributed after your death you really want to avoid the probate process.

Avoiding probate relatively simple: Have a will and trust created that specify who is to receive your property after you die. Even the most basic estate plan, so long as it’s done correctly, can help your family avoid the expense and hassle of probate.

As you may have seen in my recent blog posts, I sat down with San Mateo Realtor Ricardo Archila of RE Deals, LLC and Access Financial and R.E.S.I to talk about estate planning and probate.  This video talks about probate and how to avoid probate for your estate.

If you want to learn a little more about creating an estate plan and controlling who receives the benefits of your life-time of hard work. If you have more questions, or need someone to help you with an estate plan, please contact my office.

If you have any real estate questions, please consider sending Ricardo an email at

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Geoff Wiggs