Don’t Ruin Your Retirement

Don’t Ruin Your Retirement

Whether or not you choose to file bankruptcy, your retirement accounts are almost always 100% protected from your creditors.  Even if you are sued outside of bankruptcy, in most cases your retirement accounts are still protected.  And – If you choose to file...
Is It Time To Update Your Estate Plan?

Is It Time To Update Your Estate Plan?

Even if you have done the “responsible thing” and created an estate plan to control the distribution of your property after your death, it may be time to have that plan looked over by an attorney.  Changes in your life, and the legal system, may have a negative effect...

An American Bankruptcy in Paris

[With apologies to George Gershwin] You’re living abroad – living the good life in Paris (or stuck somewhere less picturesque). Even whiel living outside of the U.S., you may still be able to take advantage of the benefits and protections of United States Bankruptcy...

Debt Relief – The Hidden Costs

Many debt relief programs require payment of half of the consumer’s take-home income.  Does this actually sound like a solution? Hell No! You didn’t have enough money to make payments and live on before! This is just going to make things worse and is setting you up to...

Debt Relief

The Simple Answer is the Right Answer You already know the problem. You have too much debt and make too little money to pay it back. You may want to pay it back – You may never have intended to get so deeply in debt – But it happened. Now you need relief. Not empty...